
Attention KR Netters:

Again I am in some need of help. I would have like to had my plane ready to go 
to the gathering, but I think that time is moving faster than I am. I have 
completed the painting, the wings are done and ready to be mounted. My VW 1835 
has been rebuilt and I working on the baffeling. The new exhaust has arrived, 
and it will be ready for mounting on the plane next week.

Here come the questions. Since I have never seen the motor on the plane, I need 
either photos of other engines, with photos of the different brackets that have 
to be made to connect hold support the carb, exhaust, etc. Does somebody have a 
list of items have to be completed when mounting the motor. A list of the order 
to install the items. I have the posa carb that will have tube air filter on 
it. Charlie Reeves has a great system that will allow him to run with Ram air 
into the carb, or cut off the ram air and pull air in through the air filter 
for carb heat. Any photos would be a great help since I am a visual person.

Lee Van Dyke
Mesa AZ

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