<as there is a possibility of a vapour lock> Once I had a boat that got vapor lock and would not run. To check if vapor lock is really the problem, I poured lake water over the fuel system components and instantly the lock released and I was able to restart and run the engine. Perhaps something like this might help you troubleshoot your problem. Orma Southfield, MI N110LR Soon to celebrate 20 years
- KR> Inspection Barry Kruyssen
- KR> Inspection Jim Faughn
- KR> Inspection Dan Heath
- KR> Inspection Orma
- KR> Inspection Joachim Saupe
- KR> Inspection Colin & Bev Rainey
- KR> Inspection ifly...@aol.com
- KR> Inspection Colin & Bev Rainey
- KR> Inspection ifly...@aol.com
- KR> Inspection Ron Freiberger
- KR> Inspection joe
- KR> Inspection Peter Drake
- KR> Inspection Robin Macdonald
- KR> Inspection Peter Drake