Thanks guys, I've now decided that IF I ever have to deal with them I will avail myself at the place to personally pick up what I need. That way I can wring some S.O.B's neck if they even start to jack me around. Was thinking of using them for much of what I needed but now will deal with Wick's or alternative sources. Doug Rupert
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle... Mark Langford
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle... Mark Langford
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle... larry flesner
- @WL Re: KR> yet another AS&S debac... gleone
- @WL Re: KR> yet another AS&S d... Mark Langford
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle... Wayne Israelsen
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle...
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle...
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle...
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle... Doug Rupert
- KR> yet another AS&S debacle...