If you are building a KR, thinking of building a KR or buying a KR, then the decision to attend the KR gathering should be an easy one. You need to be there because this is the place decisions are made. All questions about the KR can be answered at the KR gathering. As good as this KR net is, it still is not as good as looking, touching, seeing, feeling, an actual KR and talking to those who have built and flown a KR.
The first gathering I went to, I was thinking of building a KR and that is where I made the decision that I wanted to go ahead with the project. Since then, at every gathering, I have found solutions to problems or at least gotten some ideas about how to build something that I was unsure of or the plans were not clear about. I also take a lot of pictures so that I can study the problems later and decide what will work best for my situation. There is also a motivation factor that is invaluable, and I need that again right now as I have been so busy lately that my hours spent on the KR have suffered. If you are still sitting on the fence trying to decide to go to the gathering or not, then make the decision now to attend and then start making plans to get there. The time and money will be well spent. If, like me, you are on a tight budget the time and money will be well invested into your KR project. Jack Cooper kr2coo...@earthlink.net Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.