You are not ignorant

A smog pump is the air pump that was used as one of the first versions of 
enhancing emissions control by pumping air into the exhaust to have the burning 
gas air mixture continue burning in the exhaust manifold when the choke was on, 
or divert down stream to the catalytic convertor to help it heat up so that it 
would begin to burn the excess unburned mixture and carbon monoxide.  They have 
a simple air pump design and air belt driven and typically weigh about 4-5 
pounds complete.  If you get one from a salvage yard you will also get the 
fitting that allows it to be attached to the air tubes on the older car.  If 
you put a pressure regulator inline before the instruments, and a filter, you 
can blow through the instruments like they do on the Beech Duchess and operate 
them that way.  If that is prohibited by the instrument manufacturer, then you 
will have to drill and tap the suction hole on the pump and re-locate your 
fitting to that hole.  Get some gasket making sheet material which comes in an 
8x11 sheet of different thicknesses from your local auto parts store and custom 
cut your own mounting gasket and mount it dry with NO silicone that can get 
sucked into the line and plug the instruments.  You will still need some form 
of a regulator.

Colin & Bev Rainey
KR2(td) N96TA
Sanford, FL

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