Very good point Gavin. Jim Marske covers this in some detail at the URL below;

The carbon will stretch, hope this is the correct way to view the problem, much 
more than the wood (modulus of elasticity?), so you must use more carbon than 
you might expect when mixing it with wood in a spar.

In a conference I attended a few years ago Joe Alvarez of Polliwagon fame 
mentioned that you could replace a wooden spar completely with carbon rod from 
Marske at a 1/20 ratio. That is compute the area cross section of the wooden 
spar and then use 1/20 of the area as the amount of carbon to build the carbon 

Denny ... "One tst is worth 10,000 expert opinions." Irv Culver

GavinandLouise <> wrote:
Be careful!!!!!! if you don't put enough Carbon to take all the load in
it's own right, you run the risk of it breaking, and then transferring the
load to the timber that it is laminated with. and if you've scrimped on the
timber it'll break as well CRASH!!!!!!!! Use either one or the other. And
which ever you use USE enough of it to carry the load.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Birca (MD/RMD)" 
To: "'KRnet'" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: RE: KR> Carbon Fibre spars

> Hi Duncan,
> could you please post Ed Blocher's site URL, I couldn't find it...
> Alex Birca,
> Moldova
> Hi,
> I visited Ed Blocher's site, and saw some photos of his laminated spar. I
> noted with interest his inclusion of a couple of layers of carbon fibre in
> the laminations. And this got me thinking...
> Is this a good/bad/neutral thing to do?
> What would be the pros/cons of a completely CF spar?
> Duncan of Devonport
> Auckland, New Zealand
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