Under Aeroelectric's advice, I bought a $4 Radio Shack 270-030 noise filter, and installed it using the instructions at http://www.aeroelectric.com/articles/filter/filter.html (see two schematics off of that page also, depending on application). Now the RFI noise that I used to pick up on my radio from my el cheapo Wultrad Falcon Gauge Ultra Noisy Turn Coordinator has completely disappeared! The thing does weigh a couple of ounces, and messes up my magnetic compass by a degree (but then it's only 6" away), but it keeps me from having to spend 500 bucks on a new one! I highly recommend this bandaid!
Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama N56ML "at" hiwaay.net see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford