Barry I agree wholeheartedly with you about glider spin training.Here in SA we also give intensive practical spin training for glider pilots.It is quite normal to have a handfull of gliders all in the same thermal and at different height Iif one spins down through the lot it could be disasterous.At an early stage the pupil is taught spin recovery,before he even goes solo.More emphasis however is put into the "insipient spin" ie Stop the spin before it starts,to recognise the onset of a spin immediately.and correct .Even with this skill there was always a danger that the pilot,on turning final would spin in .These accidents were mostly fatal.Being too low,and trying to stretch the glide over the fence,made a lower and slower situation with possible fatal results.In a KR,on engine failure.trying to stretch the glide over the fence could also have dire consequences.Better to use the fence as an arrester gear,I think.Even a barbed wire fence with steel supports might be safer. Best Regards, Eric Evezard S.Africa