Stephen J.,my header tank,on introducing auto fuel,developed a fuel sweat and
very quickly leaked,and destroyed the foam.I had to carefully excise the tank
without doing any damage.I then built another tank,no foam which gave me an
extra inch all round plus extra here and there.This doubled the capacity to 17
galls.I could not believe my first.This time I used an Acid Resistant
polyester resin and not the epoxy resin I used previously.I was led to believe
that the alcohol in the fuel affected the epoxy resin.I have had no trouble
since with auto fuel or avgas.I have not used my wing tanks,and put a question
out on KR net but only got one reply ,rather discouraging,as it was claimed
that sloshing compound would block fuel lines.filters and pumps.I wondered how
it could stay on the market all this time.My outer wings only weigh 40 lbs each
and it would not be difficult to use sloshing compound.The acid resistant
polyester seems popular in the chemical and marine industries and is easily
obtainable in South Africa.Hope this info. will answer your question Stephen.
Best Regards,
Eric Evezard,