Don't feel too bad.  It is probably not as bad as you think.  All the prep
work before you paint is what takes a long time.  You may be able to fix it
easier than it looks right now.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Timothy Bellville
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 5:26 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> KR Paint

Thanks Peter,
After sleeping on it I still don't feel much better about it, but I still
think I should go with the white.The guy from poly fiber said I should wait
a week before sanding the bad areas down and re coating,he also sugested not
repriming the silver.
I have been thinking that maybe I need to put her back in the sun to" Bake "
her again and identify the bad areas, then trim out the bubble with a razor
knife to release the trapped solvent and remove the loose paint.I think this
would allow me to feather edge the damaged areas without disturbing the good
paint to much.
It will take about three days to get the new paint from aircraft spruce,and
for my next weekend off to paint it.
God I hate waisting money and time.
----- Original Message -----
From: "StRaNgEdAyS" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: KR> KR Paint

> Hey there Tim.
> Don't loose heart.
> I remember making some horrible mess ups when I started painting cars and
> bikes back in the late '80s. One job I totally stuffed up in '96 even
> a lot of practice was a tank on one of my bikes. That was layering clear
> tinter over flat white to get a deep blood red effect, but I did exactly
> same thing you did, and failed to wait until the solvent had completely
> from the basecoat before I layered up 5 coats of clear red. It looked
> absolutely scary!
> Paint up a few pieces of scrap and get the hang of it. I'm no professional
> painter, but after doing a few practice pieces after even an 8 year break
> from painting as I have had now, I can manage a reasonable job.
> Cheers.
> Peter Bancks.
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