For what it's worth, from the KRnet search engine at , using "birch plywood spar" got a bunch of hits, the one below included. Maybe it's where I got the idea, but I don't think anybody will argue that birch is not the stronger of the two, and hence a good idea, considering the minimal weight gain. Having said that, mahogany spar faces wouldn't keep me from flying in somebody's KR either! Apparently KRnet does a better job of dispensing good building advice to the buiders than RR does... ------------------------------------------------------------- List-Post: Date: Aug 11, 1998 9:39 AM
From: Robert Covington <> Subject: Re: KR: KR-2S Center Section Spar Details Jeanette Rand has been advising builders to use Birch for the spars for quite a while for the strength gains. The orientation is important. The grain needs to be running up and down relative to the spars length, that is, the spar is E-W and the plywood grain goes N-S.Robert Covington--------------------------------------------Mark Langford, Huntsville, ALN56ML at hiwaay.netsee KR2S project N56ML at