Steven Phillabaum wrote:

> Brian, I did the exact calculations and the only response to my post of
"error in the plans" was. "oh really?"
> Hope you find the answer. Im waiting.

I guess I'm the culprit that made that remark.  It was meant more of a
tongue-in-cheek "you mean there are  mistakes in the KR plans???", rather
than as "you must have figured something wrong" comment.  I'm sure many of
us noticed inconsistencies such as that, but it fits together and works (or
can certainly be made to), so we go on working.  In my case, I also noticed
that the RR wing attach fittings were slightly curved (due to being stamped,
I presume), so I mounted them arranging the curves to make them fit better.
That's been so long ago I'd forgotten about it.

I tried to start a "plans errors" list years ago, but didn't get much input.
I guess it would be a fairly short list anyway.  But a "plans left to the
imagination" list would be a whopper...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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