Colin wrote

Joel & netters
Aluminum is not too soft to hold onto plugs if they are torqued properly.  I 
have completed more tune-ups on aluminum head engines than I can remember, and 
never had a properly torqued plug back out.  The secret is to use Permatex 
Antiseize on the plug threads, and install at the recommended 20 ft# of torque. 
 Only if the threads are worn out, or some of the original threads have been 
pulled out by removing plugs in the past will you run into problems.  To 
properly helicoil threads is alot of headache, aggravation, and possibility of 
getting metal into the engine if done with the heads installed.  Protect and 
prevent, is better than repair.

Colin :

In fact the plug that was thrown was antisiezed, which as I understand it ( 
correct me if I am wrong), is to prevent seizing, which in my mind is the 
opposite of throwing a plug.

I agree there is some effort to install( and I personally would not try to 
drill the plug holes with out removing the heads!), but in the building process 
the heads will be off at some point. I will install the heli coil on the thrown 
head now and do the other side later when I can use the opportunity to inspect 
the valves, seats,  guides, pistons,rings, etc.
and the cost to have a machinist install the heli coil  is $10 a plug. 
Otherwise you have to buy a special tool kit which cost @ $200.

In my misfortune I have been told by a half dozen machinist and VW experts that 
the plugs should be helicoiled or inserted with some type of thread 


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