>Could you help me with the following info Please?
>What are some of the prop sizes you Corvair or 0-200 flies using. and what
>have you done to increase your prop clearance.???
>I'm guessing  you are using larger props with the larger HP engine.
>Phil Matheson

I'm running an Ed Sterba 60 X 64 that started as a 60 X 68 and was
re-pitched.  I thought that was going to be a good start as that is
what the KR100 started with.  I'm able to turn the 64P at 2650 at
full power cruise.

I have approx 9 or 10 inches of ground clearance with the tail up.
I think our FAA wants to see at least 9 inches but that was not
checked on my final inspection.  Marty Roberts was running a
prop that long with the standard Diehl legs but said he had to
watch getting the tail too high on t.o. and landing.  With my 
longer Diehl legs I wish I'd gotten a bit longer prop.

Larry Flesner

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