KR Heads, I have made an application to Transport Canada ( the CDN version of the FAA) to increase my allowable gross weight to 1150 lbs ( up from the published 980) on my KR2S.
In revewing my application , they have asked if anyone else is flying at this weight? I know for a fact that many US based KRs are flying at this weight ( as I have flown in 2 myself). What I need is a statement ( E mail is fine) from 5 KR pilots flying ( legally ) at this weight or more to complete this application . If I am granted this , it will set the precedent for many KR2 owners in Canada to apply for this same gross weight. Can anyone on the KR NET help me with this ? I would ask Marty Roberts but he is not on this E mail forum . Does anyone have a contact for him.? Thanks in advance for your help and support. Regards Chris Gardiner C-GKRZ KR2S 100 hours