I have a darker tinted Todd's Canopy.  In Fact, Todd
had just finished cooking your canopy, and was crating
it when he took my order.
I love how my canopy turned out, it's forward hinged
which allows access to baggage and the front of the
instrument panel.  My KR is also wider than plans, so
I built my own "droopy-string" lofted turtledeck.
Makes my KR look like a Lance-Air.
If you type in your browser window:
Then scroll down to almost the bottom to Other
Builder's Presentations, Scott Cable's....you can get
a pretty good idea on how I built the top-side of my
fuselage and canopy frame.

> >But boy is it a big canopy.
> >I'll have to start looking through all of those KR
> web pages to get some info on fitting it.

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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