Good Day Netters: As noted in my short missive a month ago, I ran out of time. Other obligations have taken over so that I will not be able to complete my project. Here are the items for sale - as a package.
Dwgs. Original 'huge' KR, 1982; KR2, 1986, RAF 48 wing & controls; KR2-S, 1992 Dwg A, B; 1993, Dwg W1,2,3; 1994, Dwg. F1, W2, C1, W1 F4, F3, F2. 2-Firewall; 5048/5 Airfoil templates. KR Kit: WAFs; complete bolt & fittings; turnbuckles, bolts & pulleys, RR sling seats, 2 coils A/C control cable; 1 engine oil separator, grommets, 4 bulls eye air vents, 1 metal gas collator, 8 seat belt fittings, 1 fuel ball valve, cable pulleys, 1 new Hobbs meter, 1 qt. glass slurry beads, 1 bag flox, 1 suction gauge, 1 Alcor EGT gauge, 1 3-way fuel valve, 1 fuel primer pump, 1 bag lead shot (elevator balance). 1/2 gal West system epoxy and hardner w. pumps. Fabricated 2-stick 4130 control assy, 2 4130 rudder pedal assy w. Langford brake pedals. 1 sheet 7-ply 7 mm Birch plywood 48 x 48, 5 sheets 3 mm 5-ply Birch plywood 48 x 48. 1 KR2-S 80% comp. boat stage framework (rectangular cross-section, repeat rectangular) 42 in. wide at shoulders. Plus: 1972 - 1992 Sport Aviation, and 1 WWII pilots carrier, dead reckoning plotter board w. E6B computer. KR notebook, catalogs, manuals, 1 Bingelis Book, many diskett jpegs KR pictures, I file drawer articles, notebooks of articles, {more materials and information than most have at boat-stage.} Rex T. Ellington 27 mi. South of center Okla. City, 1/2 mi East of intersection of State Hwy 9, and I-35, between OUN Westheimer and David J Perry strip. Early discussions by email, then I'll give phone number. 2609 Barry Switzer Ave. Norman, OK 73072