>From: "Brian Kraut" <brian.kr...@engalt.com> >One thing I forgot on my Sun and Fun report. > >I took a demo ride in an RV-9 (no throwing rotten tomatoes at me please, it >was a free ride that I couldn't pass up).
Hey Brian, why in the world did you go up for a ride in the 9? It is Van's cross country cruiser with a low compression 320. They put a different wing on it, hung a wheel off the nose and made a docile fully non aerobatic rated airframe out of it. One thing, you can put a 235 in it and cruise at a little over 150mph. You certainly picked the house cat of the fleet. Now or a more realistic comparison:-) Tracy Crook installed his new 2.85 drive on his rotary 13B in his 4 for the speed dash. Takeoff roll to finish line he averaged 216mph with a climb that pegs his 3K VSI. He had to pull the power back to avoid running past the published Vne in cruise!! Since this is what is going onto my newly arrived gold powder coated 13B (I'll post a pic sometime) with smoothed out porting, tuned dual injected six port intake I figure I just might be able to roll, loop, split S, hammerhead with the best of them and keep up with the the newly to be borne speed demon KR I'm a little familiar with:-) Brian, where were you at during the evenings. Landford (you know, the one who never smiles, curses a lot, and is going to name his airplane Grumpy:-) and I spent Friday and Saturday on the flight line, at the Corvair dinner, at Margarittaville, in the buildings, at Margarittaville, on flight line, at Margarittaville...........well you get the point:-) Had a great time back at row 20 of Antique and Classic. BTW, for those who don't know Mark. He does smile, does have a good time and I consider him to be a very good friend. Looking forward to the next hangout with him. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit 13B Rotary. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero1.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero3.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/blackrudder.jpg do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Lose those love handles! MSN Fitness shows you two moves to slim your waist. http://fitness.msn.com/articles/feeds/article.aspx?dept=exercise&article=et_pv_030104_lovehandles