I have a RevMaster 2100D with the RevFlow injector/ carb.  Mine runs
great warm or cold.  

All my fuel lines and fittings are 3/8 inch and standard gravity feed
from the header tank.  I turn the tank fuel valve off to kill the
engine.  Here's what I do to start;

Mixture off, throttle closed, tank fuel valve on, drain gascolator.
Mixture full rich, throttle cracked open 1 / 4, wait 3 seconds, and hit
the starter.
Usually after 3 blades, it fires.  
I immediately set the throttle for 1000 rpm and lean for best warm-up
idle while watching the oil pressure build.

I've watched the fuel flow at my carb.  It takes about 3 seconds from
when I push the mixture to full rich before the fuel to start to flow.
Rather than run the starter for this duration with a "dry carb" I just
wait 3 seconds.

Good luck, I hope this helps.  

John Bouyea
KR2 - hanging the engine accessories
KR2S - boat hanging from the rafters

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