wow,,what a weekend,!  i had sooooo much fun with N212KR  at SNF.  i didn;t 
expect to be interviewed  by BUD with the EAA mag. fri morn. before i could get 
 tied down & regestered. He was very nice& said he knew ken way back then. 
after talking to bud for almost an hour, he instructed me where & when to be at 
the pilot breafing for the air to air photo shoot.  fiannly i get to go to 
register the plane for judging& pay for admittance& then get to finally hit the 
potty. I was floatin,,By then i was ready for lunch. after lunch, it was off to 
the pilot breafing filling out paper work&going thru with 10 or so others 
fixin up time slots & explaining the in's & out's of the formation flyin to get 
the shots they need. almost 2 hrs later i get out, only enough time to see 
parts mart a little( our eaa chapter runs it) & some food for supper& off i go 
the flight line lookin for a gas truck so i can fuel up & meet the photo plane 
for take off @ 5:45. So off we go into the wild blue yander to 8500 ft. &
start the close& i mean close formation flyin & snappin lots of shots,,about 20 
min wourth.  all done& i peel off to the south west home to VNC.  that day i 
talked to a lot of kr guys from the net,@ a lot of others who have kr's& built& 
building kr's & a couple who crashed kr"s ( and there still around to talk 
about it!)   oh,yea, by the way i found out tonite about the best auto conv. ac 
award ,i got a tropy& plack coming   :-)    this is just part of the whole 
ordeal over the weekend , but i can't type & this took quite a while,wew,    I 
to thank everyone on the KR net for all of there input to creating the info 
for all to use&  you all are a great bunch!
        N212KR, steve jones, venice fl

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