I will admit that I have not downloaded and read all 2704 comments on the
FAA site, but as suggested I have re-read the proposed rule. Your
argument pointing out problems with "Sport Pilot" is well stated, but you
don't mention the time and money it would take to initiate your
alternatives. There are many of us who would like to be able to take our
wives/friend to a fly-in breakfast a couple of times a month--and maybe
spend a nice quiet Saturday morning visiting small airports around the
state. There are a lot of people who: --Do not have the $5000+ dollars
(OK--I haven't priced it lately.) to get a Private Ticket.
--Cannot take a passenger in their ultralight.
--Have medical conditions which make them ineligible for medical
certification, but have nothing to do with safety in a "Sport Aircraft".
Dick Hartwig