Well here it is. I started pages at my regular family web site for the plane build. This URL will take you right to the plane pages.
I should say here that I do not plan to do a full build web page. I do not want to take the time, nor do I feel we as a group need more pages of spar building, sanding etc. I will cover topics that I decided to do differently, or found little information on when I was researching a topic. Plans and information are in the works for a web page on thermo forming that mysterious material called clear acrylic (Plexiglas). I am trying to get someone to draw cartoon characters for me (for free) and have had no luck. Anyone out there want recognition for this? http://www.geocities.com/magoosus/plane.html Steve McGee Endeavor Wi. USA Building KR2SW The Impostor lmc...@maqs.net