I must admit that I have had to look at why I do things the way I do and what is causing my designs and ideas to be the way they are. For those of you that have not heard or followed my story I will exasperate you a little with my dream.
I have wanted to fly for decades. Small children and finances have put it off far too long. Yes I have flown with others in small planes, but have not yet got my pilots license. My plan is to start when I am about 3/4 finished with the KR impostor. I figure if I get it now, the money spent to keep my skills "up" will be money I could have spent on the project. I know it would be extra experience and I will probably end up doing that anyway as I am getting the itch to start with the nice weather coming on. Any way what I am getting at is this. I have had some rather different ideas (compared to what I have seen from the tons of web sites studied) on how to build this thing in designing the controls and a few other items. I don't know if it is just the lack of having been in the "group" of aviation, and having my own ideas rather than mimicking what has already been done or what. But I look at the control stick and designed it opposite of what for instance Langford did. I have an idea for the rudder control that at first I said to myself, that's crazy, but the more I think about it the more I like it. For instance one problem with it I have noticed is that some people have actually broken horns or caused other problems with the system from basically pushing on both rudder pedals too hard. I have come up with a design where, this just can't be done, push on both pedals all you like, you will not transfer any extra force to the cable system. If you saw it outside of a plane laying on a bench you would say what is that? I suppose time will tell and maybe I will be shunned at a future "Gathering " being considered dangerous. But like Frank said, I did it myyyyy waaaayyyy. Too many beers - night all. Spell checked, grammar not checked, good nite viet nam. Steve McGee Endeavor Wi. USA Building a KR2S widened. lmc...@maqs.net