>Can you give a measurement relative to the front spar? There is a wide
>section of wood just above the spar and I am thinking that anything in front
>of it is high pressure and anything behind it is low pressure and that the
>only neutral spot is right in that wide section of wood. 
>Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

The weather was warm a few weeks back and I was flying with my 
NACA ducts for cabin air open.  They are located just forward of
the lead edge of the wing and approx half way up the sidewall
between some of the spruce verticals and diagonals.  There is a
considerable "high" pressure change in that area from climbout
to cruise.  On climbout there is very little air entering and it picks
up considerable when leveling out for cruise.

I'm using basically the plans built pitot and static setup.  Other 
than the needles seem to "bounce" around a lot in turbulance, 
it seems to work fine.  As for a fuselage static port, I'd be inclined
to agree that the widest part of the fuselage might be a good 
spot.  Then again it might be the worst spot and I'd still agree so
take your best shot.

Larry ( 36.5 hours and lovin' it ) Flesner

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