I was really looking fwd to learning from this amazing gathering of informed, 
educated and versed men.  I was wrong, I would do well to hurry back and seek 
access to the LMA - hope they will have me.

I tend to be honest (outspoken) and males don't like that.  I also tend to give 
freely any knowledge I may have (about flight).  Strangely, males also seem to 
dislike that.

An interesting questions about spar design had me on the edge of my seat - 
could not wait to hear the replies.  Nothing, the question was ignored.

However, some half-wit with limited linguistic abilities raise some macho topic 
about G forces in 60 degree turns and we are all ablaze and we all have 
something to say.

With one exception, most of the comments were absolute garbage anyway.  I know, 
I teach.

Who gives hoot how a prehistoric trainer handles - the small penis brigade 
cannot wait to tell their bit (of BS).  I somehow thought that the focus would 
be on how to make the KR better, safer, stronger and in the air.

I know this is my last appearance - no doubt the good Mr. Langford will 
jettison me in short order, but on the way out:

Larry Flesner - thank you for you most informative and objective reports - you 
have told me what to expect from my 2S (tail dragger) and I will enjoy keeping 
an eye on you and "bigfoot".  I wish you everything of the best - you are a 
lovely man.  (And an Ok burger fryer).  Let the assholes know when the jury is 
out on side slips - I will be watching.

Mark Jones - your enthusiasm is so refreshing - I wish I had the questions to 
ask - I just kow that you would provide excellent answers.  Good luck mon ami.

Steve J - I so wish I could answer your questions - I can sense that you want 
to do it right and are looking for the help that this forum should be all about.

Dana Overall - thank you, an endless source of unselfish information - enjoy 
the tin can.  (Thank you for the truisms)

Other Mark - you have the makings of a really nice guy - why are you coming 
across as such a hard nosed prick?  Really no need.

We are experimenters and pioneers.  I would really NOT like to see any classic 
"ambulance chaser" claims as to why the guys who have the answers do not give 

Happy landings and good tail winds - maybe one day .......


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