Some of y'all might have noticed no updates to my site lately. That's because I've been busy flying N56ML! I got tired of messing around with paint, so I got a case of white Rustoleum spray cans from Walmart and just got the paint job thing behind me. It looks "good enough for KR". Bolted in some inertia reel seatbelts from an old Karmann Ghia, used Vice-Grips for the canopy latches. Got it signed off last week (he didn't notice the missing latches), and flew it for the first time on Saturday.
Not much to tell so far, other than it flys like a dream, has a top speed of 235 mph straight and level, and stalls at 38 mph with full "barndoor" flaps. No pitch sensitivity at all. Climb rate is an amazing 3000 fpm. Great flying plane, hands off! And let's not forget that it's April Fools Day, so you can't really trust anything anybody says or writes on the Internet anyway. You never know when somebody might be joking with you... Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL N56ML at see KR2S project N56ML at