I did not hook up with the seller Tuesday. The message I posted came from the conversation I had with the seller. He stated he traded one vehicle for another and thus came by the KR2. He is an Ultralight pilot according to his son.
The KR2 was built in Eugene, Oregon by a man named "Gattis." It apparently has 19 hours on the Hobbs. It is a Great Plains 1835. The current owner acquired it less than 2 years ago. The story goes the former owner (not sure if this was the builder) had the nose gear fold on a landing. The prop broke and damage occurred to the lower cowl. According to the seller, it is a Diehl gear setup. The seller said there were 3 revisions of the nose gear strut. The first was fiberglass. Dan recalled those units. This KR2 had the .040" wall thickness and it failed. It was replaced by the current Diehl production strut unit. (My current Diehl nose gear strut measures apprx.125" in wall thickness.) I called the seller to arrange another chance to visit tomorrow. I update you then. Cheers! John Bouyea KR2 - hanging the engine accessories (still waiting for my RevMaster SS exhaust) KR2S - boat hanging from the rafters john_0...@bouyea.net www.bouyea.net