Some time ago while on holiday in Australia,leaded fuels were taken off the 
market.However a LS fuel (lead substitute) could be bought at the pumps.While 
there I was taken on sightseeing trips in a weight shift microlite,and it was 
brought to notice that there was a possibility that a precipitate could form in 
fuel tanks exposed to sunlight.This precipitate could block filters,jets 
,etc.and it was suggested that the typical microlite translucent fuel tanks be 
darkened to prevent this.Car tanks of course were all in the dark.It appears 
only LS fuel was affected.I dont know the situation now but found this very 
Some say that using 100 LL Avgas in VW engines shortens life and causes 
scouring .Can adding "upper cylinder" lubricants to the Avgas help ?
Best Regards,
Eric Evezard,
South Africa

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