the vw powered Kr at 8.0 compression or under runs fine on all pump gas. IM now using hi test 93 as were my friend in a Sonirri is using 87 pump. he laughs and says IM still wasting money but i like the 93 and that's my baby and that's how i screw up using avgas 100lL thinking nothings to good for my engine well after 200 hrs 100LL ruined #2 exs seat and guide other wise a nice set of 044 ruined! not cheap. well after call to Steve i rebuilt the vw and re read page #28 of the great planes assembly Manuel in big letters the use of av. gas will shorten the life of valvetrain and exs valves .after 140 hrs on pump gas a check with a boreoscope shows no signs of seat and vavle wear !!!!!!!! the hard way 100ll go out and talk with guys that are using auto fuel all smiles . note keep your compression down and you to will smile and more money for goodies for your baby. im old school and I do give it little marvel oil at times and with money saved I use high doller mobil one all the time
mac n1055a