Thank you for your post. Once again a victim of over simplifying a post.  The 
biggest single problem I am aware of with running auto gas is if someone does 
not fly regularly enough, it has a tendency to varnish and gum up a carb worse 
than avgas.
    Some engines by their basic setup will be literally un-effected by octane, 
while as you said others who are closer to maxing that octane out will be.  
Mostly what I have seen is that the ones that need adjustments, typically need 
small timing resetting, and base idle speed and mixture setting, if they run 
    The only other negative I have seen is some warning from Cessna that they 
believe that the alcohol from auto fuel will damage some of their fuel tanks, 
maybe they have some kind of liner in them.  Those owners would need to check 
with Cessna.  My particular KR was run and flown on aut gas and I did run up on 
the ground with it, with no problems.  Like you said if it were initially set 
up on 93-94 octane, one should be able to change back and forth with no 

Colin & Bev Rainey
KR2(td) N96TA
Sanford, FL

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