>    I'm just starting in on a KR-2S/TD? and have been on the net for a coupe 
>of weeks now.  
>I've noted several recommendations to lengthen the fuselage @ 2'.  What is 
>the recommended/prefered method?  I have seen the following:
>Allen G. Wiesner  KR-2S/TD S/N 1118

My KR2 is stretched 2 feet and uses the standard KR2 size tail feathers.
The KR2S design increased the size of the tail surfaces ( I think, I'v e
not seen the plans) and that should make the 14" stretch all you
need.  That will also help you keep your CG forward.  I wish mine were
a few inches wider but if you are going to use premolded components
you have some limits there, especially with the canopy.  You might
look at reshaping the fuselage to make the widest part at the sholders.
That would also hold the fuselage width to the trail edge of the wing
and help with aerodynamics also.Other builders that have widened 
there fuselage can help you more in that area.

Larry Flesner

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