Really? How hot exactly do you think the intake air has to be to prevent
carb icing? I thought as long as it was above icing temp, it would be fine?

I guess I should rather weld a pipe along a portion of the exhaust as an air
source? In that case, my only problem would be to find some ducting material
with a small diameter that resists the heat!

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Dan Heath
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 00:57
Subject: Re: KR>Carb heat

RE: Opinions?   Serge,   That I have plenty of....   I am concerned about
not getting enough heat unless you come directly off an
exhaust pipe.   Another concern that I have is with the sliding door, in
that it may be
prone to bind up, where a door pivoting on a post or hinge, most likely will
not.    See N64KR at - Then click on the pics   Daniel
R. Heath - Columbia, SC   See you in Mt. Vernon -
2004 - KR Gathering   See our EAA Chapter 242 at
tp://   -------Original Message-------   What I plan to do is: -
Make the pick-up point at the rear of the bottom baffling plate (this is a
VW engine, so there is a baffling plate running under the engine), on the
side, opening 90 degrees from the airflow. The 90 degrees is because I want
to avoid building high pressure in the carb. - Close the pick-up point with
a small sliding plate, that would be spring loaded. The control will be a
push-pull cable, same as for a choke.     Serge Vidal

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