>This surprised me - somehow the dihedral break on your airplane is not >as pronounced - almost looks like a constant dihedral all the way from >the root out. Maybe just the pictures that I saw. (STEVE)
REPLY - My wings are basiclly stock, 5" rise at the tip. I think the wider gear stance gives it a different look. (LARRY) (EARILER POST) >>>>> Moving the HS and elevator forward did give me some additional area >on the vertical stabilizer which I wanted with the 0-200.(LARRY) > >I have been staring at the pics hoping to figure this one out (and avoid >asking)- trying to see the connection between moving the stab and more >fin area.(STEVE) REPLY - My vertical stab REAR spar is per plans. When I moved the horizontal stab forward two inches that moved the vertical stab FRONT spar forward two inches also. That gives me 2" X (height) of additional area for the vertical stab. I looked for some pictures already on the net showing the relationship of my elevator spar in relation to the rear vertical stab spar and found none but my elevator/horz stab is moved forward two inches from plans. Questions? Larry Flesner