
Somebody brought up the idea of selling KRnet stickers a few weeks ago to
finance KRnet, help with the Gathering if needed, and finance a "KR prop
rental" program.  Best of all, we'd all end up with KRnet stickers!  Several
folks have looked into having them made, and we're still working on that
(anybody that has a line on sticker-making-for-cheap is welcome to contact
me).  By the way, the original logo was dreamed up by Oscar Zuniga, and
actually created by former member Robert Covington.

I think we're far enough along that we need to know how many of these things
we're going to need to order.  The best way I can think of to do that is to
let y"all order them, and then we'll know.  You need to go through the
online ordering process even if you send a check, just so we can capture the
quantity we're going to need.  Bob Lee has conjured up a web page to let you
do that.  Please pay attention and answer the questions, check the boxes,
and do it right to make sure everything works correctly.

One thing I thought of (actually my wife thought of it) that would make this
a lot easier on me is if most everybody ordering would pay by check and send
a self addressed stamped envelope with their order.  This would make it very
easy to open an envelope, look at the check, stuff stickers in the SASE, and
go to the next one.  If you do that, I don't even think I'll have to use the
"envelope stuffer" volunteers.  I'll still take Paypal, but that costs
money, and it would allow me to screw up your address between my computer
and an envelope, and would be a lot more work.  You'll see on Bob's ordering
page that there's a one dollar incentive to just send the self addressed
stamped envelope with your check.  As far as accountability, you're just
going to have to trust me to do the right thing and keep up with it.  Then
again, I may only get five orders and nobody will have to worry about!

The stickers will probably be 3" diameter and will be the KRnet logo, except
with "KRnet" changed to  so people can actually find it on the
web.  If five colors turns out to be prohibitively expensive, I may change
the red plane to blue and white or something, and the background will
probably be clear instead of white, with the letters still white with a
black outline.  This way, you can stick it on your airplane and have the
color show through the clear.   But it may end up with no clear at all.
We're still working this issue. Whatever we end up with, I think you'll find
a use for it.  You can see the logo, and place your order, at .  We'll let it go for
about a week before we'll call it "done", and then we'll place our order
with the vendor.

I'm not sure what we'll have to do about overseas orders.  Shipping might be
prohibitive.  I'm assuming that if it's sent by slow boat (nobody's in a
hurry, right?), five extra bucks ought to take care of most places, but I
reserve the right to be wrong about that.  Maybe the folks in places like SA
or Australia could pool their orders and just pay shipping one time, and
split them up over there.  Then again, that might not make sense at all.
That might be something you guys can work out among yourselves, if one guy
from each place wants to volunteer to handle it.  I'm open to suggestions.
I'd rather it not turn into a complete circus though.

So, get those checks headed my way, and don't forget to fill out the order
form.  My mailing address is on the second page if you check the box "order
by check".  No promises on how long this is going to take, but it shouldn't
be too long.


Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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