Brian wrote:

I don't agree that a wheel landing is the only safe way to land a KR.  I di=
d about a hundred three point landings in my KR before I even learned how t=
o do a wheel landing.

You do need to keep in mind that you don't do a "normal" three point landin=

 Thanks Brian, good points.
 When I initially was learning to land we used the exact procedure you 
described. We called it a modified 3 ptr it was necessary to avoid 
bouncing.Later in my training However I became able to do full three pointers,( 
my instructor was impressed with my ability to land even better than himself) 
so may be its just me.  I prefer the full 3 ptr; I do not have to "push the 
stick forward "; I land at a slower speed; and when I touch down the tenancy to 
bounce is all but eliminated. but I do fly in ground effect a little more but 
my kr still has positive controll in these floats and it cuts my roll-out way 
down, even more so than the modified Three point landings.

Thanks for your comments

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