My instructor, who has extensive tail dragger time, warned  that more 
accidents happen during high speed taxi test than during any phase of 
tail dragger flight. I do not think we did any hs taxis. His feeling 
being you get the feel during take off with out the extra danger 
inherent in powering back. For example shortened or no runway, change in 
torque etc.
I have to admit I would not want to have to think about powering back, 
braking and a short runway if I was in the middle of a potential ground 
loop. You have to literally be on your toes in a tail dragger roll. Just 
something to consider when deciding weather to high speed taxi of not.

As far as wheeled vs three point landings I always land three point . A 
wheeled landing is much easier for sure but it gobbles up a lot of 
runway , and since my home base is a short field I do not have the 
luxury of a wheeled landing. Besides its important for me to know  just 
how short a field I can land on.


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