I like Ross, I started mine in 1989 or was it 1990 I can't remember. Anyway, I started planning a Brut Rutan Easy in 1970, built a special garage and acquired a wood and sheetmetal shop. Got a divorce, lost it all except for my 4 kids, lost the plans in 1979 during a house move. Got married in 1980 acquired a 4 more kids. Purchased a boat KR2 in Los Alamos, NM from Al Brown 1979, moved it to KCMO. Some years I did no work because of family, work obligations and money availability.
I like Ross, have always known "the KR2 will wait for me to finish her" it's in a nice safe dry space in my split level basement along with 2 cars and my second wood and sheetmetal shop. I to received similar advice from EAA'ers. 1) Never set a completion date. 2) When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the airplane it is legal to fly. 3) Your airworthyness certificate will arrive about the same time as your divorce papers. I kinda have successfully avoided #3, and am also working on #2 to finish. I estimate my hours at 3000 plus, heavily modified however. KRRon