Came across a KR2 BRS for sale. Can anyone tell me anything about a KR2 with a BRS. Did anyone ever use one? Does anyone have one mounted? Where would u mount one and what effect does it have on flight charasterics?_______________________________________
Joe I installed a 1050 on my kr2s. The kr has an installation plan already drawn up at BRS, If you contact them they will be more than helpful. Talk w/ Brent he has seen my project and is very helpful. the 1050 weights @23 lbs thats including the harness the actual soft pack (which I recommend vs the canister)is about 18 lbs. I have flown since installation and have noticed only a slightly heavier nose, since I mounted it in the forward baggage comp. The harness, if installed correctly has no noticeable effect on aerodynamics. I must say that the peace of mind the brs gives me is worth much more than the cost and time to install.The nose can be compensated w/ a little counter weight. If you have any more questions feel free. Joel ------ http://USFamily.Net/info - Unlimited Internet - From $8.99/mo! ------