Hi Netters. The linc that was sent about gliders etc seemed to be defining each. There was nothing about the liscence requirements for each. If you are going to have glider pilots liscence then you will have a medical of a particular level. If you are going to have Private Pilots liscence then again you must have a medical but at a different level. I do not believe that a glider liscence covers the use of a motor glider but a private Pilots Liscence does. I do not know about the rules for a Recreational Pilots Liscence nor how far it covers.Someone else may shed some light on exactly who can fly a motor glider. I think that they wou;ld be fun. I hold a Private Liscence , with land, ski and wheels and for sea, float endorsements. I also hold a Glider Liscence. I believe that I can fly a motor glider legally. If I should fly a a motor glider without being "checked out" am I legal. If I then fly it on 5 occasions (alone) am I qualified to take a passenger? Am I now legal because I proved that I survived this length of time? I suggest that if you want to build and fly a KR type motor glider find our before you start what kind of liscences are required. Harold Woods Orillia,ON Canada. haroldwo...@rogers.com
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