>From: Virgil Salisbury <virg...@juno.com> > > K R 1b Motor Glider for your situation, Virg >
Virg, I respectfully mention the above comment may be jumping the gun. First of all, there is not much history out there on the motor glider. Second of all, I would seriously recommend one go to the actually document that proceeded the advisory board recommendations and read the pages upon pages of documentation, engineering papers, flight parameters, flight performance.........the list goes on and on, required for submission in determination. It is, and will be, a very exhausting process. My gut feeling, from reading the document, is they are not going to willy nilly hand these pink slips out. My opinion, and it is just that, the KR1 motor glide may be able to fall into the classification but lacks supporting documentation at this time. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit 13B Rotary. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero1.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero3.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/blackrudder.jpg do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Get some great ideas here for your sweetheart on Valentine's Day - and beyond. http://special.msn.com/network/celebrateromance.armx