Per wrote: >Would it be possible to do this by cutting the spring bar close to the bracket and moving the whole thing(bracket and the cut off part of the spring bar) to the rear face of the main spar on the stub wing
Per, Am I understanding you correctly that you have a single spring bar supported by 3 brackes and you want to cut off the 2 ends (with brackets) and bolt them to the aft side of the forward spar? If so, I can't imagine that each bracket is designed to handle to pressure of a single spring. Also, I'm not sure the spring leg is designed to operate with one wheel and not count on the distribution of weight, etc. If I am understanding you correctly, then I would not go that route, but I may not be following you. If you have pictures, you can send them to me offnet and I will post them for you to show everyone. Good luck. Dean Cooper Jacksonville, FL Email me at See my KR project at