I never experienced what you described, but I did always have problems coming out of a slip smoothly. It slipped good, but if you just neutralized the controls the plane would do a few weird gyrations before it stabilized again. This was unlike something like a Citabria where you could slip it down to 10' above the runway if you wanted to. I assume that the right combination of backing off the rudder and aileron while applying the correct elevator at the same time would make it come out smoothly. I was doing practice slips at high altitudes and was making sure I came out of them at landings over 100' until I got them down better.
Getting good at slips was one of my big goals because dragging the KR in under the glideslope to be sure I could stop before the end of the runway increases the pucker factor quite a bit also. larry flesner wrote: (Written Friday PM - mail server down) Netters, MY KR IS BACK IN THE AIR !!!!!!! Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? Slips: My first real surprise, and I must admit the first time I've puckered real hard and real quick, was when I tried a couple of slips. Holding about 80mph indicated I kicked some left wing down and right rudder for a side slip. At about 20 degrees wing down and 15+ degrees nose right the nose did a rather quick nose down pitch of about 20 degrees. (or so it felt) It caught me by surprise and I neutralized the controls. It came right out of the slip. I tried it again, not believing what just happened, and it did it again. Expecting it the second time, it felt to me as if at some point the elevator blanked out. Any of you guys flying "standard" KR's ever notice anything like that? I'll check it out further and keep you posted. I'll have to make sure I'm not doing something with the controls to cause it. Everything I've ever heard is that KR's slip like a dream. I'm glad I didn't try my first slip on a landing and close to the ground. It probably wouldn't have been a problem but I'll bet it woud have scared the @#$%^&* out of me!