It is probably better that there are no "hot topics"
as that means we are just working and moving forward. 
I just went through the whole process of deciding on
which engine to use and liked the VW idea, bought a VW
van for the motor and the van was so nice that I have
decided to keep it as a toy (1977 VW camper van that I
will drive down to Sun-n-Fun).  Then I decided to go
the Corvair route and have already purchased an engine
and sent off for William Wynne's book.  I hope to get
some advice from him at SnF.  I even plan to bring my
engine with me in case he wants to look at it.  So
please don't try to confuse me now with this rotary
stuff.  My poor brain can only handle so much.
Besides, Mardi gras has all of my attention at the

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