I had seen the use of label machines in labeling instrument panels before 
but got my first taste of it yesterday.  I bought this at Office Max (or 
Office Depot, heck I can't ever remember which one it is we have in town:-) 
at a whole whoppin $19 yesterday.


Supposedly they are UV resistant, waterproof and non-scratchable.  Sure 
enough, I can't scratch the lettering off with my fingernail.  I'm going to 
heat a couple of them up as if under the canopy on a summer day and see what 
they do.  From what I hear, they work just fine.  You can get all differnet 
colors such as:  black/clear, red/clear, gold/black..........the list goes 
on.  You can print in five different sizes, nine different styles including 
vertically and six different underlines or frames.

I know numerous people will post other ways to do it that work just fine, so 
have at it as I don't remember this thread popping up here lately.  For $19 
this falls right into my line of thinking which is cheapest/easiest, kinda 
like the $18 cheapest/easiest static system.

BTW, this is a Brother P-touch 1180.............piece a cake!!  Yes, sure I 
will have an Eject button in my airplane on the passenger side:-)

Another BTW, I'll post a big time, major, put a smile on my face 
cheapest/easiest tomorrow on Fun Friday...........course I'll probably get a 
few smacks over the head with baseball bats, but so be it.  Like the ol 
saying goes:  When you play with fire you sometimes get burnt but most of 
the time you end up with a nice steak:-)

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Engine. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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