        The RC canopy may be a good option but be aware that proably no two wing
tips are the same unless maybe your using the wing skins. I think that 
I'll take the cut out of glass from my tip with me to the store to see if
there is one that gets close. I wouldn't risk mail order on one that I
couldn't touch and feel.
        The one on my RC heli is thinner than the material that I started this
thread with, but my be stiff enough if it is supported on the entire
 Thanks- Joe

On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 16:59:32 EST writes:
> In a message dated 1/25/2004 1:54:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> writes:
> Thanks Mark. Those do look great.. seems like on the west coast.. 
> all the 
> hobby stores here carry the same brand.. looks like a real thin 
> piece of plastic 
> that the canopy was heat pressed into a bubble.
> John Monday
> KR2S
> Laguna Beach, CA

Joe Horton
Coopersburg, Pa.

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