I decided to cut and paste a private email I received concerning the KR 
Dinner.  I hope this clarifies any misconceptions.  Although I will say, you 
don't want to miss the "corn roast".  I think the first time I went was with 
Doug Steen and Mark Langford 3-4 years ago.  I haven't missed it since.

For those not familiar with Sun & Fun, someone, something, somebody has 
something going on for dinner every night on site.  If your fancy is to 
mingle and meet new people, drop by the various tables, tents, registrations 
around the airplane campers, Mooney, Beech, Cubs, 140 pilots association, 
Stinson pilots, or the best is the international flyers!!..........the list 
goes on and on......most will have some kind of on site "party" night in 
addition to a formal dinner.  Most of these light, open air get togethers 
are put on by an owner/pilot.  Great way to meet people.  You will be amazed 
at the number of times you will meet up as your paths cross flying around 
the country.  I first met Langford at a very informal get together he had at 
his house several, several years ago (man, you've been building a long time 
Mark:-)  and consider him to be a very good friend.  Doug Steen, whom I met 
at a KR gathering several years ago, email me several years ago wondering if 
I wanted to hop a ride to SNF with him. Talked with him on the phone 3-4 
nights ago.   I think we reintroduced ourselves to each other while 
"cyfering" some enroute charts on the way to pick up Langford for a very 
uneventful/eventfull night IFR flight into Lakeland.  A under the cover 
darkness expedition by Landford and myself across the runways, through flyin 
camping to the advisory tower camping to secure "beverages" for the night 
followed.....but that's a different story hiding from security behind porta 
pots, after we hooped fences.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to clarify my previous post.  What 
fun is it to fly from point A to B if you can't stop along the way and have 
a burger with a "time machine" friend.  Put some faces with some names.  
Just my opinion.

Cut and paste follows:

>>>>I in no way intended my post concerning a get together on site to be in 
>>>>any way competition, critique, review or anything else related to the 
>>>>official KR Dinner.  The only reason I had my campsite Beer & Brats at 
>>>>SNF last year the night I did was I was only there two nights.  In 
>>>>looking back at my post, I can see how someone could interpret the 
>>>>structure to read as such, but let me assure all, including Virg who 
>>>>with Rand Robinson not attending SNF or OSH anymore is the man that be 
>>>>in charge of the dinner:-), that was not the intent.

As for any on site get together, it is just a bunch of guys/gals deciding to 
meet somewhere, drink a couple beers, eat a brat and swap lies.  Nothing 
more, nothing less.  That is why I said such a get together is much less 
formal than the KR dinner, not a reference to attending either.  Matter of 
fact, I wouldn't consider meeting up.....attending anything:-)

So, the subject line of Beer & Brats vs KR Dinner never entered my mind.  A 
little get together is not a KR Beer and Brats, we did a little something at 
OSH last year.  It would be tin and plastic together.  It truly isn't like 
oil and water, they do mix well together:-) <<<<

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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