With so many design changes and comments about our KR, I have retyped an add in our SAAA( sport Aircraft Ass of Australia) that may interest some of your.
Design your own Aircraft A series of lectures running to 4.3 hour on 3 DVD's that have been authored so that the viewer can select various parts or chapters of these lectures. The DVD's are also supported by 70 pages of notes with many worked examples that will allow the amateur designer to up a satisfactory design to his/ her own specifications Cost including GST & Postage is $121.00 within Australia, $136.00 for overseas Order via e-mail by contacting Bill Whitney at bwhit...@bigpond.net.au or call 61 7 33798674 Postal address PO Box 2119, Graceville East. QLD, 4075 Australia (background, Bill Whitney B.E. aeronautical engineer 35 years, Southern cross replica, Vimy replica, Bristol F2.b replica, Hughes Lightning, Seabird Seeker. etc, ------- Plus to many more to type. Phil Matheson mathe...@dodo.com.au Australia 61 3 58833588 See our VW Engines and home built Parts and Kits at: http://www.vw-engines.com/ www.homebuilt-aviation.com