I believe that the Diehl skins are over Clark Foam and
use Vinyl Ester Resin.
The Rand Skins are made a a small shop next to Scaled
Composites out of Epoxy with a nomex-honeycomb core.
Seeing how you wouldn't have any compatablity issues
between Vinyl-Ester and Epoxy...
My choice would be the Rand-Robinson Skins.
My only wish about the RR skins?  Wish they came in
the AS5046 Airfoil instead of the RAF48.
Ahhh, well that's a whole new bag of worms .... 
> > how about a discussion on the pros and cons of
> rand Robinson wing skins vs
> > dan diehls-

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO

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