>> intrepid...@juno.com concluded:
>> We =can= use the less expensive non-TSO'd ground
>> based (ADF/VOR/LOC/GS) avionics with impunity.
> "Dana Overall" <bo12...@hotmail.com> previously wrote:
> Now the nuts and bolts.(FAA Advisory Circular 20-138)
> "Dana Overall" <bo12...@hotmail.com> now writes:
> Better put the brakes on a little.
> As the it reads, the non TSO'd equipment does not have
> to be constructed according to TSO requirements but it
> is still the responsibility of the PIC to have verifiable
> documentation that the equipment performs to the 
> TSO'd standards for IFR operation.

  Please, =where= is that stated in a Regulation referring
  to ground based navigation systems ??   AC's are not
  regulations, and GPS is not ground based.

  AC 20-138 doesn't do it, it is an Advisory and not a
  Requirement, and AC 20-138 is re. GPS, =not about=
  ADF, VOR, LOC, GS  avionics.   Citing AC 20-138
  is irrelevent and adds nothing but confusion.

  The periodic VOR Check of FAR 91.171 is =all= that
  is required, and it does not say anything about meeting
  a TSO standard.   Nor does FAR 91.205 say "TSO".

  Even FAR 91.205(f), "Category II" (which points to
  Appendix A), does not ever mention let alone mandate
  TSO standard'ed equipment.

  TSO'd avionics are NOT required.   Believe otherwise
  if you must, but don't state otherwise absent an FAR
  to support it --- which I'll happily concur with as soon
  as it is presented as "one [of many] I may have missed".

  This question arises often, and the excellent EAA piece
   (thanks, Dana) :


  .........summed up the research in its answer:  "N O."

  We can agree to disagree, too.  <G>   Not a problem.
  I'm back to sanding in the 34-F carport.  Winds of 20,
  gusts to 35 blowing the dust away.    <brrrrrrrr>
  Painting will have to wait until it gets a =lot= warmer
  and a bit less windy!

  a r t

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