Man, I sure hope I spell everything correctly:-)

Instead of Fun Friday pictures, which would serve no KR purpose, I took 
these three showing a method to install static ports.  I wish I were aware 
of this when I built my KR.

This method would work quite well with a KR.

The first picture is blurry as the auto focus decided it wanted to dwell 
down with the control assembly.  Anyway, this is a picture of a SD-42-BSLF 
pop rivet.

As you can see in this picture, and the second picture, this rivet has a 
very large polished head.

All you do is drill a 1/8” hole and pop the rivets, one on each side of the 
fuselage.  After this, you take a punch and drive the mandrels out.  You now 
have a hollow pop rivet with a very long shank.  Slip the 1/8” ID clear 
plastic tube over the protruding end and instant static port. The lines are 
joined at one end with a 3/16” plastic Tee fitting using slip over links 
made of ¼” polypropylene tube.  Tubing of ¼” is fitted over the remaining 
Tee and routed forward to the instrument panel.

Part list follows:

On this picture you will see a “bag number”.  This entire bag would be very, 
very reasonably priced.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
Buying Instruments. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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